For updated info please visit this page.
- N. Yeritsyan, A. A. Sahakyan, V. V. Harutyunyan, N. E. Grigoryan and V. A. Sahakyan. Irradiation Enhancement of Electrical Properties of Passive Impurities in Silicon Crystals. Physical Science International Journal 4(9): 1225-1234, 2014. (USA).
- Hrant Yeritsyan, Norik Grigoryan, Vachagan Harutyunyan, Eleonora Hakhverdyan, Valeriy Baghdasaryan. Long-Time Relaxation and Residual Conductivity in GaP Irradiated by High-Energy Electrons. Journal of Modern Physics, USA, 5 No.1, January 2014, pp. 51-54. DOI:10.4236/jmp.2014.51008.
- R. Panosyan , S.S. Voskanyan , Ye.V. Yengibaryan, M.G. Azaryan, A. Sahakyan, H. N. Yeritsyan, V.V. Harutyunyan, Physical Properties of Conducting Diamond Like Carbon Nanostructure Films Transparent In The Visible Range Of Light, Deposited On Silicon,Nano Studies, 2014, №10, p. 67-76.
- K. Nikoghosyan, V.V. Harutunyan, V.S. Baghdasaryan, E.A. Mughnetsyan, E.G. Zargaryan and A.G. Sarkisyan, Effect of direct transport current and heat treatment on resistive properties of bismuth-based ceramic high-temperature superconductor oxide materials of various compositions, Solid State Phenomena Vol. 200 (2013) pp 267-271
- Eduard Aleksanyan, Marco Kirm, Sebastian Vielhauer, VachaganHarutyunyan. Investigation of Luminescence Processes in YAG Single Crystals Irradiated by 50 MeV Electron Beam.Radiation Measurements 56 (2013) 54-57.
- Hrant Yeritsyan, Aram Sahakyan, Vachagan Harutyunyan, Sergey Nikoghosyan, Eleonora Hakhverdyan, Norair Grigoryan, Aghasi Hovhannisyan, Vovik Atoyan, Yeghish Keheyan & Christopher Rhodes. Radiation-modified natural zeolites for cleaning liquid nuclear waste (irradiation against radioactivity). Nature, Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 2900 doi:10.1038/srep02900.
- N. Yeritsyan, V.V. Harutunyan, A.A. Sahakyan, S.K. Nikoghosyan, A.S. Hovhannisyan, N.E. Grigoryan, K.Sh. Ohanyan, E.A. Hakhverdyan, N.A. Hakopyan, V.A. Sahakyan. Space Environment Simulator for Testing of Materials and Devices. USA Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, 4, 180-184
- Nagirnyi, E. Aleksanyan, G. Corradi, M. Danilkin, E. Feldbach, M. Kerikmäe, A. Kotlov, A. Lust, K. Polgár, A. Ratas, I. Romet, V. Seeman. Recombination luminescence in Li2B4O7 doped with manganese and copper. Radiation Measurements 56 (2013) 192-195.
- V. Vasil’eva, D.A. Spassky, I.V. Randoshkin, E.M. Aleksanyan, S. Vielhauer, V.O. Sokolov, V.G. Plotnichenko, V.N. Kolobanov, A.V. Khakhalin. Optical spectroscopy of Ce3+ ions in Gd3(AlxGa1-x)5O12 epitaxial films.Materials Research Bulletin48 (11) , pp. 4687-4692. 2013.
- Hrant N. Yeritsyan, Aram A. Sahakyan, Sergey K. Nikoghosyan, Vachagan V. Harutyunyan, Karen Sh. Ohanyan, Norair E. Grigoryan, Eleonora A. Hakhverdyan, Aghasi S. Hovhannisyan, Vahan A. Sahakyan, Kamo A. Movsisyan, Artur V. Hovhannisyan. In-Situ Study of Silicon Single Crystals Conductivity under Electron Irradiation. USA Journal of Modern Physics, 3, 381-385, May 2012.
- N. Yeritsyan, K., A.A. Sahakyan, S.K. Nikoghosyan, V.V. Harutunyan, Sh. Ohanyan, V.Sh. Avagyan, N. E. Grigoryan, E. A. Hakhverdyan. Effect of Electron and Ultraviolet Radiations and Temperature on n-Si Conductivity. Journal of NASA, Spacecraft and Rockets, v.48, #1, pp. 34-37, 2011.
- K. Nikoghosyan, A.A. Sahakyan, V.B.Gavalyan, V.V. Harutyunyan, A. S. Hovanisyan, H..N. Yeritsyan, V. A. Atoyan, K.I. Puskulyan, M. Gerchikov, N. A. Hakobyan, The Influence of Hydrochloric Acid Treatment and Temperature on the Electro-Physical Properties of Super-Thin Basalt Fibers , Central European Journal of Physics.9(6) •2011•1482-1487.
- K. Nikoghosyan, A.A.Sahakyan, V.B.Gavalyan, V.V.Harutyunyan, A.S.Hovanisyan, H.N. Yeritsyan, V.A. Atoyan, K.I. Puskulyan, M.Gerchikov, N.V. Hakobyan, A. V. Hovhannisyan, Electro-physical Properties of Super-thin Basalt Fiber Chemically Modified by Hydrochloric or Sulphuric Acid, “Journal of Modern Physics”, 2011, 2, 1450-1454 (USA).
- A.Sahakyan. The vortex-vortex interaction in YBa2Cu3Ox superconducting ceramics for a low-frequency magnetic field. DNAN RA, Physics (2011), v.111, №3, p.p. 259-264.
- Eduard Aleksanyan, Vachagan Harutyunyan, Margarita Kink, Rein Kink, Marco Kirma, Yuri Maksimov, Vladimir N. Makhov, Tatiana V. Ouvarova. Upconverted 5d–4f luminescence from Er3+ and Nd3+ ions doped into fluoride hosts excited by ArF and KrFexcimer lasers. Optics Communications, Volue283, Issue 1, 2010, 49 – 53.
- Nikoghosyan, A. A.Sahakyan, V. B. Gavalyan, V. V. Harutyunyan, A. S. Hovhanisyan, V.A. Atoyan, K. I. Puskulyan, M. Gerchikov. “Electro-Physical Properties of Super-Thin Basalt Fibers On the Basis of Armenian Basalt Rocks Before And After Chlorhydric Acid Treatment”. “Armenian journal of physics-open access” Physics, 2010, vol. 3, issue 3, pp.187-194.
- M. Avagyan, G. H. Haroutyunyan, V. V. Harutyunyan, V. S. Bagdasaryan, E. M. Boyakhchyan, V. A. Atoyan, K. I. Pyuskyulyan, M. Gerchikov . “Study of Physical Regularities of Behavior of a Wide Spectrum of Aerosols When Filterinf Using Various Filter Materials” – PROCEEDING of the Yerevan State University, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, N.3, 2010, pp.51-56.
- K. Nikoghosyan, A.A.Sahakyan, V.B.Gavalyan, V.V.Harutyunyan, A.S Hovhannisyan, V.A. Atoyan, K.I. Puskulyan and M. Gerchikov, Electro-Physical Properties of Super-Thin Basalt Fibers on the Basis of Armenian Basalt Rocks Before and after Chlorhydric Acid Treatment, Armenian Journal of Physics, Open Access, 2010, vol. 3, issue 3, pp. 187-194.
- R.Panosyan, A.T.Darbasyan*, A.V.Meliksetyan, S.S.Voskanyan, A.S.Voskanyan, A.A.Sahakyan, R.V.Gzraryan, Low resistive diamond like carbon film development technique, Thin Solid Films 517 (2009) p.5404-5408.
- Алексанян, Э.М. ВУФлюминесценцияионовEr3+вкристаллахLiYF4 иBaY2F8. Известия НАН Армении. Физика // Journal of Contemporary Physics, 44(2), 2009, 113 – 118.
- M. Aleksanyan. VUV Luminescence of Er3+ Ionsin LiYF4 and BaY2F8 Crystals. Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), 2009, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 75–79.
- Eduard Aleksanyan, VachaganHarutunyan, RadikKostanyan, Eduard Feldbach, Marco Kirm, PeeterLiblik, Vladimir N. Makhov, Sebastian Vielhauer. 5d–4f luminescence of Er3+ in YAG:Er3+. Optical Materials, Volume 31, Issue 6, 2009, 1038 – 1041.
- A.Sahakyan. Dynamics of Josephson vortexes in YBaCuO HTSC for linearly varying magnetic fields. Vestnik-75 of the State Engineering University of Armenia. Collection of scientific and methodical articles, part II, (2008) p.p.740-743.
- Aram A. Sahakyan, Sergei K. Nikoghosyan, Hrant N. Yeritsyan, Electron irradiation effects in doped high temperature superconductors YBa2Cu3-xMxOy (M = Fe, Ni; x=0; x=0:01), Central European Journal of Physics 6(4) • 2008 • 797-801.
- N. Makhov, A. Lushchik, Ch.B. Lushchik, M. Kirm, E. Vasil’chenko, S. Vielhauer, V.V. Harutunyan, E. Aleksanyan. Luminescence and radiation defects in electron-irradiated Al2O3 and Al2O3:Cr. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, Volume 266, Issues 12-13, 2008, 2949 – 2952.
- N.Yeritsyan, A.A.Sahakyan, V.V,Harutunyan, S.K.Nikogosyan, E.A.Hakhverdyan, N.E.Grigoryan. Natural zeolites and application in liquid waste treatment. Brilliant Light in Life and Materials Science, 395-401. 2007, Springer.
- LixinNing, Peter A. Tanner, Vachagan V. Harutyunyan, Eduard Aleksanyan, Vladimir N. Makhov, Marco Kirm. Luminescence and excitation spectra of YAG:Nd3+ excited by synchrotron radiation. Journal of Luminescence, Volume 127, Issue 2, 2007, 397 – 403.
- N. Yeritsyan, S. K. Nickoghosyan, A. A. Sahakyan, V. V. Harutunyan, E. A.Hakhverdyan, and N. E. Grigoryan, Electrophysical and optical properties of natural zeolites (clinoptilolite) from Armenia and USA (preliminary results), Zeolite 06, 7th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties, and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, Book of Abstracts , Edited by Robert S. Bowman and Susan E. Delap, 1621 July 2006, Socorro, New Mexico, USA.
- A.Sahakyan, S.K.Nikoghosyan, H.N.Yeritsyan, G.V.Grigoryan, Josephson Vortex Behavior in Superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox Ceramics Under the Low Frequency Magnetic Field in the book “Josephson Junction and Superconductivity Research”, NOVA Publishers, USA, (2006), pp.71-91.
- Khachatryan, S., Christidis, G.,Moraetis, D., Gevorkyan, R., Sarkisyan, H., Yeritsyan, H., Nikoghosyan, S., Hovhannisyan, A., Sahakyan, A., Kekelidze, N., Akhabedashvili, L., Sorbtion Behavior of Armenian Natural Zeolites, American Nuclear Society (ANS), Fusion science and technology 48, 1 (2005) 230-233.
- Khachatryan, S., Christidis, G.,Moraetis, D., Gevorkyan, R., Sarkisyan, H., Yeritsyan, H., Nikoghosyan, S., Hovhannisyan, A., Sahakyan, A., Kekelidze, N., Akhabedashvili, L., Sorption behavior of tritiated water on Armenian natural zeolites. J.Radioanalytikal and Nuclear Chemistry, 264, 3 (2005) 671-677.
- Yeritsyan Hrant, Harutiunian Vachagan,Gevorkyan Volodia, Grigoryan Norair; Hakhverdyan Eleonora; Nikoghosyan Sergey, Sahakyan Aram, Gevorgyan Rudolf, Sargisyan Hakob, Keheyan Yeghis. The effect of electron irradiation on the optical properties of the natural armenian zeolite-clinoptilolite , Central European Journal of Physics, CEJP 3(4) (2005) pp.623-635(13).
- Yeritsyan, Hrant; Sahakyan, Aram; Nikoghosyan, Sergey; Harutiunian, Vachagan; Gevorkyan, Volodia; Grigoryan, Norair; Hakhverdyan, Eleonora; Keheyan, Yeghis; Gevorgyan, Rudolf; Sargisyan, Hakob, Dielectric properties and specific conductivity of armenian natural clinoptilolite irradiated by electrons , Central European Journal of Physics, CEJP 3(4) (2005) 610-622. pp. 610-622(13)
- G.Gevorkyan, H.H.Sargsyan, G.G.Karamyan, Y.M.Keheyan, H.N.Yeritsyan, A.S.Hohannesyan, and A.A.Sahakyan, “Study of Absorption Properties of Modified Zeolites”, Chemie der Erde Geochemitry, 62 , p.237-342, (2002).
- A.Sahakyan, S.K.Nikoghosyan, G.N.Yeritsyan, “Frequency dependence of the intergranular magnetic flux penetration in ceramic YBa2Cu3O x superconductor”, arXiv: cond-mat/0108060 v.1, 3 Aug 2001.
- K.Nikoghosyan, A.A. Sahakyan, G.N. Yeritsyan, A.S.Hovhannisyan, V.A.Grigoryan, and A.G.Sarkissyan, “Time Evolution Effect of Critical Transition Temperature in Electron Irradiated YBa2Cu3Oy Ceramics”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 178, (2000), pp.765-770.
- K. Nikoghosyan, A.A. Sahakyan, V.A.Grigoryan, G.N. Yeritsyan, “The Features of Irreversibility Lines in Y- and Bi-Based Superconductors” Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 174, (1999), pp.459-465.
- K. Nikoghosyan, A.A. Sahakyan, G.N. Yeritsyan, V.A.Grigoryan, “The influence of the bulk density on the intergranular superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3-xFexOy (0≤x≤0.01) ceramics”, Physica C, 317-318, (1999), pp.607-610.
- K. Nikoghosyan, A.A. Sahakyan, G.N. Yeritsyan, “Superconducting Properties of YBa2Cu3-xFexOy Ceramics With Small X”, Physica C, v.299, (1998), pp.65-70.