Applied Physics Researches Division (APRD)

Optics and Spectroscopy (240/5) Group Projects

Posted on Dec 15, 2015

International cooperation

 Complex research of radiation-optical properties of wide-band- gap crystals has been carried out. The work was conducted together with a number of the research centers, in particular, those where synchrotron radiation is used.

Among the Centers there are:

  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department, Chair of Optics and Luminescence. Head of the program: Prof. Mikhajlin V.V.
  1. Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia, Laboratory of high energy physics. Head of the program: Dr of phys.-math. sciences Makhov V.N.
  1. University of Tartu, Physics Institute, Estonia, Laboratory of oxide crystals. Head of the program: Prof. Kirm Marco.
  1. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Head of the program: Prof. Kekelidze N.P.
  1. Department of Biology and Chemistry, University of Hong Kong, P.R.China. Head of the program: Prof. Peter A.Tanner.
  1. Laboratory HASYLAB, DESY synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany. Head of the program: Prof. George Zimmerer
  1. Physics institute, Syria. Department of theoretical physics. Head of the program: Prof. S. Sulejman.
  1. Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati Diparartimento di Chimica Roma. Head of the program: E. Kekheyan.
  2. Technical University of Crete. Head of the program: Prof. J. Cristidas


Grant Applications

State Committee of Science “Target Theme Grant” application (2018-2020)

State Committee of Science “Target Theme Grant” application (2015-2017)